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Healing invisible wounds this Christmas

When donkeys and mules are abused or abandoned, there are often visible signs such as overgrown hooves, wounds or poor body condition. But the suffering that these donkeys received goes beyond physical pain.

The constant fear of physical abuse that donkeys have had to live with every day has caused terrible emotional damage, scars in the heart that will take a long time to heal.

Building trust

This is why our grooms develop a treatment plan to help our donkeys still trust and heal emotional scars, working on building a relationship of trust, friendship and personal confidence that then slowly leads to an opening to the rest of the human world through a rapprochement that also covers grooming.

At Christmas give a hug to our donkeys

With your help, we can be with them at every stage of this long recovery journey.

With a donation of €20 you can donate an hour of special care from our groom. A simple gesture like a caress or a hug will help our donkeys who have suffered abuse to love and trust again.

How much does it cost?

  • €20 could help for a one hour grooming session
  • €40 could help pay for a two hour grooming session
  • €60 could help pay for a three hour grooming session
  • €100 could help pay for a four hour grooming session

Grooming is not only a moment of pampering for our donkeys, but a set of very important gestures and practices to check the health conditions of the animals and to improve the relationship of trust between the donkeys and those who look after them. And once a donkey trusts us, he will never betray that trust.

Our donkeys now have a secure future ahead of them, free from abuse and abuse. But they need help throughout their lives to overcome and forget their ordeal.

Thank you for making them feel your love.