Il Rifugio on Rai1 Channel
Posted on 3 April 2019.Our sanctuary had an exceptional showcase last week, when a troupe of "La Vita in Diretta", Rai1 (main Italian TV channel) afternoon telecast, came to visit us and told millions of viewers what we do.
The service, hosted by the correspondent Giulia Capocchi (accompanied by our Rachel), was broadcast on Rai1 on April 1st, but you can watch it (or see it again) on RaiPlay, starting from minute 35:19:
La vita in diretta - Puntata del 01/04/2019 - video - RaiPlay
La storica trasmissione pomeridiana di Rai1 che si presenta all'appuntamento invernale con un progetto rinnovato, un ponte tra presente e futuro che accompagnerà i telespettatori nella staffetta quotidiana tra informazione, divertimento ed emozione.
We heartily thank the Editors of La Vita in Diretta for this beautiful opportunity and, in particular, Giulia and the operators: we are sure that, in addition to many... donkey hairs, they have taken away with them, as a unique memory, faces and stories of the donkeys they met during a morning shoot!