A Sunday for every animal lovers!
Posted on 2 July 2018.The countdown has begun: on July 29, at our Rifugio will once again be the Bestial Sunday, the event that every two years brings to Sala Biellese charities that, just like us, deal with "unconventional animals".
An anti-specistic party, made up of meetings and exchanges, to get to know many wonderful realities and erase fears and prejudices.
Throughout the day, charities (see below) will be present with their banquets and volunteers, ready to respond to any visitor's curiosity. Each one will have a dedicated moment, to talk about what they do and the animals they care about and to interact with the public.
There will be also guided tours of our Rifugio degli Asinelli and spaces for interaction with donkeys in grooming areas.
Charities involved
CANC - Centro Animali Non Convenzionali
The CANC is a structure of the University Veterinary Hospital of the Department of Veterinary Sciences (former Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) of the University of Turin dedicated to wild and domestic animals. The Center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As part of an agreement with the Metropolitan City of Turin (CMT), which gave rise to the "Salviamoli Insieme" project, the CANC manages all the wildlife found in difficult conditions in the territory of the aforesaid province, but in reality welcomes any wild animal be brought, with an average annual series of over 3000 subjects. In addition to this, every year it carries out clinical activity on about 1000 "unconventional" animals of private owners, from parrots to Iguanas, from gerbils to turtles... Although CMT is the only "province" in Italy to support this type of activity on the wild, the funds made available, given the high number of hospitalizations, are decidedly inadequate; to further complicate the management of resources in itself difficult, the University is required to pay the cleaning fees, secretariat and the used material. In practice, without the generous contribution of many citizens who organize food and material collections, it would not be possible to carry on the activity. For about a year a foundation has been set up (WEA-F: Wild Exotic Animal - Foundation) to try to manage and coordinate support interventions and projects, especially the most complex and expensive ones..
Fattoria "Capre e Cavoli" is an oasis of serenity and joy for everyone: for animals, especially those considered "for income", which are taken away from exploitation and abandonment, and can live free for the rest of their lives, groomed, and pampered; for visitors, especially children, who will learn to know and respect Life in all its forms, sure that they will not be slow to love and cuddle all the animals that live happily in the Sanctuary.
It is a voluntary association that is dedicated to the recovery and subsequent relocation in family environments of animals from experimental laboratories. The animals we devote to our commitment and our affection are rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, rats and other small rodents, those that are too often forgotten for lack of awareness, because they are too familiar with our tables (rabbits), or because culturally associated with negative images (rats and mice). Our aim is to give a new life to all those who, without having had any chance of avoiding it, have somehow dedicated the first part of their existence to our well being, receiving in return pain and suffering. Re-educate them to life, let them understand that there is a world outside a small and narrow cage, that there is food different from that given in the laboratory, that the human being can be a source of heat, joy and positive emotions and not only of fear and pain, explain to them that they have their own original nature and teach how to express it and live according to it is what is proposed by the Monza Recovery Center and the Turin Recovery Center which hosts them in anticipation of the right adoption.
PROGETTO GORGONA - L'isola che c'è
From the book "Salvati con nome" by Silvia Buzzelli and Marco Verdone: "The central and enlightening experience gained in the House of imprisonment of the island of Gorgona (National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, province of Livorno) has managed to bring together, in an articulated and unpublished way, two open, complex, thorny and apparently disconnected questions: that of nonviolent rehabilitative paths and the relationship with non-human animals (...) In Gorgona, a place of detention and work, where part of the activities it is carried out with the presence of the animals usually defined by breeding (or even so-called income) the two issues have been intertwined, elaborated, transformed into interdisciplinary study, good practices and sharing.The animals, traditionally bred to produce food and then dying with objective violence in a slaughterhouse, have become the fulcrum and fly of current and urgent considerations.Coral reflection concerns the unprecedented relationship between human inmates and bred animals that, over the years, are discovered to play a role of profound curative and rehabilitation value. Sentient beings who are not only to be looked after but to take, in turn, inevitably care for those who need sincere relationships, away from judgments and prejudices. Exchanges between living beings united by different forms of detention that produce unexpected re-educational processes. To some animals of this island-prison it has been recognized - through specific Decrees of Grace - the status of subjects, of bearers of a name rather than of a number (matriculation) and, by virtue of their task as treatment cooperators, consequently subtracted to violent death in a slaughterhouse: then saved with that name that affirms individuality, rights, roles and definitive protection ".
Non-profit association active since 2013, when independent volunteers decided to join forces to cope with the numerous dropouts and to make available their experience to provide support to the owners of rats. We take care of the recovery of unwanted or abandoned domestic rats and their subsequent relocation to families who take care of them for the rest of their lives. The heart of the association's activity is also the dissemination of information concerning the correct management of the rat as a pet. We operate through the website www.ratrescuetalia.com and our Facebook page "Rat Rescue Italia". We also have a group of the same name, a virtual community where to exchange tips and trivia related to these intelligent animals, an Instagram profile, Pinterest and a YouTube channel.
Animal SOS was founded in 2010 to protect and defend all animals, not just dogs and cats; because the animals are all the same and all deserve the same respect.
The aim is to disseminate the vegan philosophy, inform and sensitize the population about respect for animals and the environment as well as the defense of animals from any type of abuse: breeding, hunting / fishing, fur, folk festivals with animals, vivisection, circuses with animals, stray animals, trafficking in animals, zoos / aquaria, slaughterhouses. Animal SOS is a voluntary association ergo any activity is carried out by unpaid volunteers and each entry, which is the consideration of a card, the sale of a gadget or a donation, is destined to the continuation of the activities of the Association and to the realization of their projects, as well as the maintenance of the animals that we have saved, of the feline colonies of which we deal and of animals of third parties in difficulty.
Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to stop the destruction of the natural habitat and the slaughter of wild species in the oceans of the world in order to conserve and protect the ecosystem and different species. Sea Shepherd practices the tactics of direct action to investigate, document and act when it is necessary to show the world and prevent illegal activities on the high seas. Safeguarding the delicate biodiversity of ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure its survival for future generations. Captain Paul Watson, founder and current president of the association, is a famous and respected leader in environmental issues.
Will cook for us...
... Chefs Vegabbondi, a group of friend cooks, vegan and again specism, who want to spread a choice of life, through an ethical, colorful and tasty food. Lunch and snack will be without cruelty and delicious (and all proceeds will go to donkeys).