What we have achieved in 2018 with 5x1000 donations
Your 5x1000 represents an extraordinary contribution every year for Il Rifugio degli Asinelli.
In 2018, thanks to the choice made by 2,287 people who signed and destined the 5x1000, we raised 74,532.14 euros, which we have allocated to the vital care for our guests.
What we did thanks to the help of our supporters
Our vet visits our sanctuary’s guests twice a week on the advice of the groom regarding contingencies. The doctor also works on site (mainly sarcoid excisions and castrations) if necessary. At regular intervals we also run:
- tooth check - annual
- weight control - monthly
- control of the parasitic / deworming charge - twice a year.
Every two months we take care of the health of our donkey's hooves. The work of jogging is not limited to just a "scrape". The donkey's hoof, like that of all the other animals that have it, is a very important indicator of their overall health. The hoof is an important indicator because it is a very lively and dynamic part and responds to environmental and metabolic stimuli. For example, it contributes to the blood circulation in the donkey limbs, because the hoof is not rigid but deforms every time it is loaded with weight. In doing so, it compresses and decompresses the peripheral blood vessels, functioning as a real hydraulic pump. A careful care of the hooves is essential to guarantee our donkeys a good state of health.
35% FOOD
Our donkeys are fed on barley straw, which is rich in fibre and low in sugar. During spring and summer, they also have access to grass for grazing, which is controlled to prevent them from gaining too much weight. Some elderly or sick donkeys receive additional food rich in fibre and supplements to maintain their adequate body weight.
Particular attention should also be paid to the feeding of donkeys, suffering from chronic asthma. Allergens contained in straw and hay are among the main causes of crises: careful and dedicated management is essential to avoid them.
One aspect on which special attention must be paid is food. The hay, at the base of the feeding of the other donkeys, can cause problems, because the presence of dust or earth residues is easy, especially if it has been collected on the edge of the forest or next to dusty soils.
To solve the problem, we insert the hay into a net and dip it in the water; after putting it to drain and having made a further check, we then give the wet hay to the donkeys. A smaller dose of common hay is needed, because it is much richer in nutrients.
Thanks to all those who generously donated their 5 × 1000 and made these results possible!
With your 5x1000 and you can give vital support to abused and abandoned donkeys and for the people who need their help most for their well-being.
Donate your 5x1000 to Il Rifugio degli Asinelli