Ciao Diva
Posted on 21 August 2019.She had a noble name, which also in Romania, the country from which she arrived, identifies the stars of the variety, pagan divinities and anyone with exceptional qualities. Diva wore it without giving it weight: it was just a name chosen by humans, and many others had been the real weights that he had had to endure in her former existence, the one we could have guessed from her bent back, from her abdomen deformed for the continuous pregnancies and atavistic hunger, that of those who have suffered famine and who go beyond the stomach.
She was born (probably) in 1992 and found abandoned in Romania: she was not old but she already seemed, like all living beings who live years multiplied by fatigue, fatigue and absences - of food, care, love. In these years at the Refuge we have tried to give her everything, in double dose, to repay those debts with the life of before.
For a long time she has been strictly monitored by the vet to make sure that the balance of the quality of life did not lean towards a pain that was too strong and unjust to bear. Recently, she was increasingly tired and fatigued. She rarely moved away from the stable, to graze the fresh grass, in painful little steps. When we realized that all the painkillers and the support strips for rickety legs were no longer enough, the most difficult decision was taken: on Monday she was put to sleep by the veterinarian, accompanied by our groom Cecco - they are the caresses she received and felt until at the last moment and the words that remind her:
"Tenacious more than others, fighting for every adversity and ... sweet, very sweet in giving you back love and tenderness. There are so many anecdotes, but, given the sad moment, I like to remember his look when we arrived in the old man's enclosure to distribute the sandwiches with the medicines and we lingered a little to give it: he looked at you between the astonished and the curious and his big eyes seemed to talk, so much so that you seemed to hear his voice asking for the sandwich. ".
Diva was much loved by all of us, by the visitors (who knew her well during the Grooming Days) and, above all, by Carla and Amilcare, who had fallen in love with her history and for years supported her, with the exclusive adoption and with all the love of this world. To them go our gratitude and a big hug when the affection that they have given her.