Make a donkey hay-ppy today!
Posted on 20 March 2018.Today 20 March, it's celebrated Worldwide the International Day Of Happiness, a global movement for a happier world. So we want to ask you: what does make you happy?
For everyone here at our Rifugio, the answer is: what we do everyday for the donkeys. Their happiness is ours too, and it is our goal.
We want to give back hope and dignity to those donkeys who never had them before; make them serene; take care of them and ensure the best lives. To make a long story short, we want evry day to be a Day of Happiness for our donkeys!
Feeding is a fundamental way to grant them a happy life. Every donkey has a proper diet, chosen by our Vet according to special needs, body condition score, age... but the basis is always good-quality hay, which makes 90% of meals.
Il Rifugio degli Asinelli ONLUS
Le mangiatoie sono state riempite, le stalle pulite... tra poco riapriremo i cancelli, ma gli asinelli più impazienti hanno trovato un modo alternativo per anticipare la colazione :)
A lot of hay, a lot of money
Every day, every donkey eats 3.5 kilos of hay; now multiply it for the 138 donkeys living at our shelter and you'll get 500 kilos, that are distributed and eaten daily.
It is a huge amount, and... hay does not come free: due to last year drought, and the fact that supplier stocks are almost finished, the price/quintal raised to 27,5€, which means that a single day of hay costs us 135€.
We really do hope that next year the cost will lower, but by now we have to face this huge cost, which adds to all the other expenses we have to take a proper care of the donkeys.
Will you help the donkeys to be hay-ppy?
There are many ways to support us:
Make a donation
You can help with a single or a recurrent donation: please visit our Donation page for more details.
1€/month: join Teaming
Join our Teaming group to donate 1€ each month, without additional fees for you or the donkeys
If you live and work in Italy, please donate your 5X1000 to the donkeys using fiscal code 02270470020.
We count on you to fill the mangers and to make the donkeys hay-ppy: every way you'll choose, thank you in advance!