Urgent: we need to find caretakers for 40 donkeys under seizure
Posted on 17 January 2019.Over 40 donkeys under seizure urgently need us: we look for caretakers willing to host them to help them start a new life.
Currently the donkeys are in a farm of Alessandria: the management costs, which amount to about 8 thousand euro a month, are paid by the owners. We want to avoid the possibility that the 'owners themselves ask the release from seizure for the purpose of the slaughter, bringing as their motivation the payment of monthly expenses.
"Obviously it is essential that the owners are prosecuted, and it will happen", explains Fabrizio Massa from Il Rifugio degli Asinelli. "It is equally important that the donkeys who survived that hell do not pay any further consequences: to avoid it, it is very important to find a house for all donkeys as soon as possible".
Four donkeys, those in more serious conditions, will be taken over by our Rifugio in the coming weeks, but there are still dozens of those who need you now. We know that it will not be easy, but we can not stop for this, in fact: more than forty lives to be saved and the burning memory of those who did not make it happen.
For this reason we ask for everyone's help: anyone who has the possibility to welcome some of the donkeys under seizure contacts our Rifugio by calling us at 015.2551831 (Fabrizio). In order to reduce transport costs (payable by custodians) and risks linked to the stress of the transfer, it is desirable to find custodians in the North-West of Italy.
Most donkeys are currently in average/good physical condition, but special attention must be paid to their future management, given the serious problems they have faced in recent months. We will try in every way to lend a hand so that all animals can find a home as soon as possible and we will be available to provide information, advice, assistance in their management.
We thank the veterinary service of the ASL of Alessandria, which has shown itself willing to intervene promptly to resolve the situation on the spot and, subsequently, to ensure the best possible care for these unfortunate donkeys.