Seizure in Alessandria, updates on 29/1
Posted on 29 January 2019.We have already found care-takers for 34 of the donkeys under seizure in Alessandria, but 14 of them (7 mares and 7 stallions) are still in urgent need for a new home.
Who we are looking for
We reiterate once again that we look for custodians exclusively in the North-West of Italy, in particular Piedmont and Liguria, not to further stress donkeys already experienced by previous trauma (if you are in other areas of Italy and want to welcome a pair of donkeys, please consider our fostering scheme).
The costs and means of transport are borne by the caretakers, who must provide also proper shelter and areas.
Applying to be a caretaker means being a helper and provide support to animals in need: it must not be intended in any way to "get donkeys for free" or to be able to make any kind of business on them.
If you are aware of the commitment, live in the North-West of Italy and own the characteristics stated above, please get in touch with Fabrizio calling (+39) 015 255 18 31 (from 8.30 am to 5 pm).
Tomorrow, meanwhile, a long journey awaits us: we will bring to our Rifugio five of the donkeys under seizure, those in more serious conditions. Follow our Facebook page to know more about their journey.